How can I change my metadata?
Updated over a week ago

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What is metadata?

Metadata is the behind-the-scenes hero that tells the story of your page's content, hidden within the HTML code and not visible on the page itself. Where you'll see them, is on other platforms when you share your Linktree - places like Facebook and WhatsApp, or when your Linktree is in a Google search result.

With Linktree Pro or Premium plans, you can set custom metadata in the SEO section found in the Settings tab of your Admin.

Why metadata matters

Custom metadata is your digital billboard, comprising a title and a description that invites people to click on your Linktree.

The meta title is your bold headline that appears in search engine results and social posts, essential for SEO, shareability, and overall user experience. It's your first impression, so make it count with a clear, concise description of your Linktree's content.

The meta description offers a bit more room (up to 155 characters) to elaborate, acting as your page's elevator pitch. This grey text snippet under your title tag in search results plays a crucial role in discovery, helping your page surface when people search relevant terms. A compelling meta description can boost your click-through rate (CTR).

Steps to customize your metadata

  1. In your Admin, navigate to the Settings tab.

  2. Scroll down to SEO.

  3. Enter your Meta title.

  4. Enter your Meta description.

  5. That's it - your metadata has been updated.

    📝 Note: Changes to metadata may take some time to update on other platforms.

Writing a good meta title and description

Meta title tips:

  • Aim for under 60 characters to avoid being cut off.

  • Prioritize important keywords but avoid overcrowding. Ensure the title aligns with your page’s content.

Meta description tips:

  • Write in an active voice, using clear, engaging sentences.

  • Highlight your call-to-action, like inviting readers to subscribe to your newsletter.

  • Incorporate focus keywords, possibly including your brand name, for better visibility.

An example of a custom meta title & description:

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